Billboards can be linked as triggerable, like other triggerable objects! Try out Billboards with your coasters, Tracked Rides, Flat Rides, or the Display Sequencer.Just click the ‘refresh custom textures folder’ to get the latest list. You can even add images and movies to this folder while the game is running.C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Frontier Developments\Planet Coaster\UserMedia\.Your images and movies should all be placed in your documents folder (much like custom music).Audio encoded with Vorbis or Opus codecs.Videos encoded with VP8 or VP9 codecs (we recommend VP8 for efficiency reasons).Videos must meet the following requirements:
You can select different images or videos for each state Here’s a handy quick-start guide on how to do just that: In addition to being able to choose from a selection of pre-recorded Planet Coaster videos, you can also upload your own videos and images to be displayed on your Billboards.